Sunday, July 13, 2008

Approaches to Conflict Part Two

Surrender- People who feel threatened by conflict or who lack self-awareness or confidence may simply give in no matter what in order to “keep peace”. This lack of integrity will usually lead to resentment on the part of the person giving in and ultimately contributes nothing to resolving issues or staying relationally connected.

Passive aggression- This is another form of avoidance, but it deflects rather than denies the issue. The passive-aggressive person might make someone ‘pay’ in subtle ways like giving them the ‘silent treatment,’ rolling their eyes, deliberately making the other person’s life difficult or using manipulation, such as taking on the role of the ‘victim’. If the other person isn’t aware of this dynamic, he or she might take undue responsibility for the entire problem or be tempted to drop the matter entirely in an effort to restore peace. But not facing what’s really going on only allows the conflict to go underground and continue to fester.

Keep reading the Blog and find out the KEYS to SOLVING Conflict Resolution!
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